By the way, I don't know if you all have ever used templates before, there is a little trick to it..
As some of you know I teach PSP, and I always take slow easy steps..
I plan on having a class on templates at the
PSP Hideaway, as soon as the dust settles, and the holidays are over..
Here are the steps that I use.. It keeps the layers all in place... ;)
1. You click on the layer you want to color fill or cover with a scrap paper..
2. Go to Selections and select all.. That will give you ants all around your layer edge.. Next go to Selections, float... Then Selections, defloat... you will have the ants around your shape then..
3. Now add a paper as new layer, go to Selections, invert, and hit your delete key..
or...add a new raster layer and just flood fill it.. Your choice..
4. now either delete the template layer, or Layers, merge down those 2 layers..
5. Go to the next layer, and repeat the process with all the layers..
After you have completed this, just change the file name when you save your work..
If you saved the original template, you will still have it.. If you do not change the name after you have played with it, you will lose the original..
Hope this helps..